High level design#

What are hooks?#

Hook mechanism is a part of onETL which allows to inject some additional behavior into existing methods of (almost) any class.


Hooks mechanism allows to:

  • Inspect and validate input arguments and output results of method call

  • Access, modify or replace method call result (but NOT input arguments)

  • Wrap method calls with a context manager and catch raised exceptions

Hooks can be placed into Plugins, allowing to modify onETL behavior by installing some additional package.


  • Hooks can be bound to methods of a class only (not functions).

  • Only methods decorated with @slot decorator implement hooks mechanism. These class and methods are marked as support_hooks.

  • Hooks can be bound to public methods only.


  • @slot decorator - method of a class with a special decorator

  • Callback - function which implements some additional logic which modifies slot behavior

  • @hook decorator - wrapper around callback which stores hook state, priority and some useful methods

  • Hooks mechanism - calling Slot() will call all enabled hooks which are bound to the slot. Implemented by @support_hooks decorator.

How to implement hooks?#


from onetl.hooks import support_hooks, slot, hook

@support_hooks  # enabling hook mechanism for the class
class MyClass:
    def __init__(self, data):
        self.data = data

    # this is slot
    def method(self, arg):

@MyClass.method.bind  # bound hook to the slot
@hook  # this is hook
def callback(obj, arg):  # this is callback
    print(obj.data, arg)

obj = MyClass(1)
obj.method(2)  # will call callback(obj, 1)

# prints "1 2"

Define a slot#

  • Create a class with a method:

class MyClass:
    def __init__(self, data):
        self.data = data

    def method(self, arg):
        return self.data, arg
from onetl.hooks import support_hooks, slot, hook

class MyClass:
    def method(self, arg):
        return self.data, arg

If method has other decorators like @classmethod or @staticmethod, @slot should be placed on the top:

from onetl.hooks import support_hooks, slot, hook

class MyClass:
    def class_method(cls, arg):
        return cls, arg

    def static_method(arg):
        return arg
from onetl.hooks import support_hooks, slot, hook

class MyClass:
    def method(self, arg):
        return self.data, arg

Slot is created.

Define a callback#

Define some function (a.k.a callback):

def callback(self, arg):
    print(self.data, arg)

It should have signature compatible with MyClass.method. Compatible does not mean exactly the same - for example, you can rename positional arguments:

def callback(obj, arg):
    print(obj.data, arg)

Use *args and **kwargs to omit arguments you don’t care about:

def callback(obj, *args, **kwargs):
    print(obj.data, args, kwargs)

There is also an argument method_name which has a special meaning - the method name which the callback is bound to is passed into this argument:

def callback(obj, *args, method_name: str, **kwargs):
    print(obj.data, args, method_name, kwargs)


method_name should always be a keyword argument, NOT positional.


If callback signature is not compatible with slot signature, an exception will be raised, but ONLY while slot is called.

Define a hook#

Add @hook decorator to create a hook from your callback:

def callback(obj, arg):
    print(obj.data, arg)

You can pass more options to the @hook decorator, like state or priority. See decorator documentation for more details.

Bind hook to the slot#

Use Slot.bind method to bind hook to the slot:

def callback(obj, arg):
    print(obj, arg)

You can bind more than one hook to the same slot, and bind same hook to multiple slots:

def callback1(obj, arg):
    "Will be called by both MyClass.method1 and MyClass.method2"

def callback2(obj, arg):
    "Will be called by MyClass.method1 too"

How hooks are called?#


Just call the method decorated by @slot to trigger the hook:

obj = MyClass(1)
obj.method(2)  # will call callback(obj, 2)

# prints "1 2"

There are some special callback types that has a slightly different behavior.

Context managers#

@hook decorator can be placed on a context manager class:

class ContextManager:
    def __init__(self, obj, arg):
        self.obj = obj
        self.arg = arg

    def __enter__(self):
        # do something on enter
        print(obj.data, arg)
        return self

    def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback):
        # do something on exit
        return False

Context manager is entered while calling the Slot(), and exited then the call is finished.

If present, method process_result has a special meaning - it can receive MyClass.method call result, and also modify/replace it:

class ContextManager:
    def __init__(self, obj, arg):
        self.obj = obj
        self.arg = arg

    def __enter__(self):
        # do something on enter
        print(obj.data, arg)
        return self

    def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback):
        # do something on exit
        return False

    def process_result(self, result):
        # do something with method call result
        return modified(result)

See examples below for more information.

Generator function#

@hook decorator can be placed on a generator function:

def callback(obj, arg):
    print(obj.data, arg)
    # this is called before original method body

    yield  # method is called here

    # this is called after original method body

It is converted to a context manager, in the same manner as contextlib.contextmanager.

Generator body can be wrapped with try..except..finally to catch exceptions:

def callback(obj, arg):
    print(obj.data, arg)

        # this is called before original method body

        yield  # method is called here
    except Exception as e:
        # this is called after original method body

There is also a special syntax which allows generator to access and modify/replace method call result:

def callback(obj, arg):
    original_result = yield  # method is called here

    new_result = do_something(original_result)

    yield new_result  # modify/replace the result

Calling hooks in details#

  • The callback will be called with the same arguments as the original method.

    • If slot is a regular method:

      callback_result = callback(self, *args, **kwargs)

      Here self is a class instance (obj).

    • If slot is a class method:

      callback_result = callback(cls, *args, **kwargs)

      Here cls is the class itself (MyClass).

    • If slot is a static method:

      callback_result = callback(*args, **kwargs)

      Neither object not class are passed to the callback in this case.

  • If callback_result is a context manager, enter the context. Context manager can catch all the exceptions raised.

    If there are multiple hooks bound the the slot, every context manager will be entered.

  • Then call the original method wrapped by @slot:

    original_result = method(*args, **kwargs)
  • Process original_result:

    • If callback_result object has method process_result, or is a generator wrapped with @hook, call it:

      new_result = callback_result.process_result(original_result)
    • Otherwise set new_result = callback_result.

    • If there are multiple hooks bound the the method, pass new_result through the chain:

      new_result = callback1_result.process_result(original_result)
      new_result = callback2_result.process_result(new_result or original_result)
      new_result = callback3_result.process_result(new_result or original_result)
  • Finally return:

    return new_result or original_result

    All None values are ignored on every step above.

  • Exit all the context managers entered during the slot call.

Hooks priority#

Hooks are executed in the following order:

  1. Parent class slot + FIRST

  2. Inherited class slot + FIRST

  3. Parent class slot + NORMAL

  4. Inherited class slot + NORMAL

  5. Parent class slot + LAST

  6. Inherited class slot + LAST

Hooks with the same priority and inheritance will be executed in the same order they were registered (Slot.bind call).


Calls of super() inside inherited class methods does not trigger hooks call. Hooks are triggered only if method is called explicitly.

This allow to wrap with a hook the entire slot call without influencing its internal logic.

Hook types#

Here are several examples of using hooks. These types are not exceptional, they can be mixed - for example, hook can both modify method result and catch exceptions.

Before hook#

Can be used for inspecting or validating input args of the original function:

def before1(obj, arg):
    print(obj, arg)
    # original method is called after exiting this function

def before2(obj, arg):
    if arg == 1:
        raise ValueError("arg=1 is not allowed")
    return None  # return None is the same as no return statement

Executed before calling the original method wrapped by @slot. If hook raises an exception, method will not be called at all.

After hook#

Can be used for performing some actions after original method was successfully executed:

def after1(obj, arg):
    yield  # original method is called here
    print(obj, arg)

def after2(obj, arg):
    yield None  # yielding None is the same as empty yield
    if arg == 1:
        raise ValueError("arg=1 is not allowed")

If original method raises an exception, the block of code after yield will not be called.

Context hook#

Can be used for catching and handling some exceptions, or to determine that there was no exception during slot call:

# This is just the same as using @contextlib.contextmanager

def context_generator(obj, arg):
        yield  # original method is called here
        print(obj, arg)  # <-- this line will not be called if method raised an exception
    except SomeException as e:


Contexts are exited in the reverse order of the hook calls. So if some hook raised an exception, it will be passed into the previous hook, not the next one.

It is recommended to specify the proper priority for the hook, e.g. FIRST

Replacing result hook#

Replaces the output result of the original method.

Can be used for delegating some implementation details for third-party extensions. See Hive and HDFS as an example.

def replace1(obj, arg):
    result = arg + 10  # any non-None return result

    # original method call result is ignored, output will always be arg + 10
    return result

def replace2(obj, arg):
    yield arg + 10  # same as above


If there are multiple hooks bound to the same slot, the result of last hook will be used. It is recommended to specify the proper priority for the hook, e.g. LAST

Accessing result hook#

Can access output result of the original method and inspect or validate it:

def access_result(obj, arg):
    result = yield  # original method is called here, and result can be used in the hook
    yield  # does not modify result

Modifying result hook#

Can access output result of the original method, and return the modified one:

def modifies_result(obj, arg):
    result = yield  # original method is called here, and result can be used in the hook
    yield result + 10  # modify output result. None values are ignored


If there are multiple hooks bound to the same slot, the result of last hook will be used. It is recommended to specify the proper priority for the hook, e.g. LAST

How to enable/disable hooks?#

You can enable/disable/temporary disable hooks on 4 different levels:

More details in the documentation above.


All of these levels are independent.

Calling stop on the level 1 has higher priority than level 2, and so on. But calling resume on the level 1 does not automatically resume hooks stopped in the level 2, they should be resumed explicitly.

How to see logs of the hook mechanism?#

Hooks registration emits logs with DEBUG level:

from onetl.logs import setup_logging

DEBUG  |onETL| Registered hook 'mymodule.callback1' for 'MyClass.method' (enabled=True, priority=HookPriority.NORMAL)
DEBUG  |onETL| Registered hook 'mymodule.callback2' for 'MyClass.method' (enabled=True, priority=HookPriority.NORMAL)
DEBUG  |onETL| Registered hook 'mymodule.callback3' for 'MyClass.method' (enabled=False, priority=HookPriority.NORMAL)

But most of logs are emitted with even lower level NOTICE, to make output less verbose:

from onetl.logs import NOTICE, setup_logging

NOTICE  |Hooks| 2 hooks registered for 'MyClass.method'
NOTICE  |Hooks| Calling hook 'mymodule.callback1' (1/2)
NOTICE  |Hooks| Hook is finished with returning non-None result
NOTICE  |Hooks| Calling hook 'mymodule.callback2' (2/2)
NOTICE  |Hooks| This is a context manager, entering ...
NOTICE  |Hooks|   Calling original method 'MyClass.method'
NOTICE  |Hooks|   Method call is finished
NOTICE  |Hooks| Method call result (*NOT* None) will be replaced with result of hook 'mymodule.callback1'
NOTICE  |Hooks|   Passing result to 'process_result' method of context manager 'mymodule.callback2'
NOTICE  |Hooks|   Method call result (*NOT* None) is modified by hook!