Hive Slots#

class onetl.connection.db_connection.hive.slots.HiveSlots#

Slots that could be implemented by third-party plugins.

static normalize_cluster_name(cluster: str) str | None#

Normalize cluster name passed into Hive constructor. support_hooks

If hooks didn’t return anything, cluster name is left intact.


Cluster name (raw)

str | None

Normalized cluster name.

If hook cannot be applied to a specific cluster, it should return None.


from onetl.connection import Hive
from onetl.hooks import hook

def normalize_cluster_name(cluster: str) -> str:
    return cluster.lower()
static get_known_clusters() set[str] | None#

Return collection of known clusters. support_hooks

Cluster passed into Hive constructor should be present in this list. If hooks didn’t return anything, no validation will be performed.

set[str] | None

Collection of cluster names (normalized).

If hook cannot be applied, it should return None.


from onetl.connection import Hive
from onetl.hooks import hook

def get_known_clusters() -> str[str]:
    return {"rnd-dwh", "rnd-prod"}
static get_current_cluster() str | None#

Get current cluster name. support_hooks

Used in check method to verify that connection is created only from the same cluster. If hooks didn’t return anything, no validation will be performed.

str | None

Current cluster name (normalized).

If hook cannot be applied, it should return None.


from onetl.connection import Hive
from onetl.hooks import hook

def get_current_cluster() -> str:
    # some magic here
    return "rnd-dwh"