Spark HDFS Slots#

class onetl.connection.file_df_connection.spark_hdfs.slots.SparkHDFSSlots#

Spark HDFS slots that could be implemented by third-party plugins

static normalize_cluster_name(cluster: str) str | None#

Normalize cluster name passed into SparkHDFS constructor.

If hooks didn’t return anything, cluster name is left intact.


Cluster name

str | None

Normalized cluster name.

If hook cannot be applied to a specific cluster, it should return None.


from onetl.connection import SparkHDFS
from onetl.hooks import hook

def normalize_cluster_name(cluster: str) -> str:
    return cluster.lower()
static normalize_namenode_host(host: str, cluster: str) str | None#

Normalize namenode host passed into SparkHDFS constructor.

If hooks didn’t return anything, host is left intact.


Namenode host (raw)


Cluster name (normalized)

str | None

Normalized namenode host name.

If hook cannot be applied to a specific host name, it should return None.


from onetl.connection import SparkHDFS
from onetl.hooks import hook

def normalize_namenode_host(host: str, cluster: str) -> str | None:
    if cluster == "rnd-dwh":
        if not host.endswith(""):
            # fix missing domain name
            host += ""
        return host

    return None
static get_known_clusters() set[str] | None#

Return collection of known clusters.

Cluster passed into SparkHDFS constructor should be present in this list. If hooks didn’t return anything, no validation will be performed.

set[str] | None

Collection of cluster names (in normalized form).

If hook cannot be applied, it should return None.


from onetl.connection import SparkHDFS
from onetl.hooks import hook

def get_known_clusters() -> str[str]:
    return {"rnd-dwh", "rnd-prod"}
static get_cluster_namenodes(cluster: str) set[str] | None#

Return collection of known namenodes for the cluster.

Namenode host passed into SparkHDFS constructor should be present in this list. If hooks didn’t return anything, no validation will be performed.


Cluster name (normalized)

set[str] | None

Collection of host names (in normalized form).

If hook cannot be applied, it should return None.


from onetl.connection import SparkHDFS
from onetl.hooks import hook

def get_cluster_namenodes(cluster: str) -> str[str] | None:
    if cluster == "rnd-dwh":
        return {"", ""}
    return None
static get_current_cluster() str | None#

Get current cluster name.

Used in get_current_cluster to automatically fill up cluster attribute of a connection. If hooks didn’t return anything, calling the method above will raise an exception.

str | None

Current cluster name (in normalized form).

If hook cannot be applied, it should return None.


from onetl.connection import SparkHDFS
from onetl.hooks import hook

def get_current_cluster() -> str:
    # some magic here
    return "rnd-dwh"
static get_ipc_port(cluster: str) int | None#

Get IPC port number for a specific cluster.

Used by constructor to automatically set port number if omitted.


Cluster name (normalized)

int | None

IPC port number.

If hook cannot be applied, it should return None.


from onetl.connection import SparkHDFS
from onetl.hooks import hook

def get_ipc_port(cluster: str) -> int | None:
    if cluster == "rnd-dwh":
        return 8020  # Cloudera
    return None
static is_namenode_active(host: str, cluster: str) bool | None#

Check whether a namenode of a specified cluster is active (=not standby) or not.

Used for:
  • If SparkHDFS connection is created without host

    Connector will iterate over get_cluster_namenodes of a cluster to get active namenode, and then use it instead of host attribute.

  • If SparkHDFS connection is created with host

    check will determine whether this host is active.


Namenode host (normalized)


Cluster name (normalized)

bool | None

True if namenode is active, False if not.

If hook cannot be applied, it should return None.


from onetl.connection import SparkHDFS
from onetl.hooks import hook

def is_namenode_active(host: str, cluster: str) -> bool:
    # some magic here
    return True